Greetings Boils and Ghouls.
Today I'd like to share with you a recent discovery of a CD of wonderfully written songs charming Gothic listeners around the world with their ghoulish appeal. If you like the music of Tim Burton, Marilyn Manson, or Mike Patton, then CREATURE FEATURE will be a breath of fresh air from that stench of staleness that has permeated the recent releases by the aforementioned masters. CREATURE FEATURE's new release "The Greatest Show Unearthed" is a clever combination of Psychobilly swing and Gothic narration which invoke images of a nightmarish amusement park with their carnivalesque calliope keyboard sound, ringmaster like vocals, and gruesome guitar work.

CREATURE FEATURE draws lyrical inspiration from such horror classics as Night Of The Living Dead, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, and The Twilight Zone's "To Serve Man" episode. The duo of Curtix RX (Guitar/Vocals) and Erik X (Synth/Samples) hail from Los Angeles, California, where they've performed infront of thousands of Goths at California's annual Bats Day at The Park. Keep your eyes pealed for this fun, freakish find at your local Goth shop.
Track Listing:
1. The Greatest Show Unearthed
2. Buried Alive
3. Aim For The Head
4. Six Foot Deep
5. A Gorey Demise
6. Look To The Skies
7. How To Serve Man
8. Bound And Gagged
9. The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth
10. A Corpse In My Bed
11. Such Horrible Things